Our Technical Capabilities
Thermochemical recycling is the most efficient and emission-free way of processing plastic waste into valuable resources. We are pioneers in making this technology fully applicable at the industrial scale.
With the TDU2000® thermochemical unit, developed in the Czech Republic and manufactured in Slovakia, we transform plastic waste into sustainable fossil fuel alternatives, fuel gas, hydrogen, and carbon powder for agriculture.
With electricity-powered thermochemical recycling, plastic waste is 100% reused. No harmful byproducts. This is the most efficient plastics recycling method to date.
The process is emission-free and odorless. As little as one hundred working TDU2000® units can be enough to solve the plastic waste conundrum in a small country, such as the Czech Republic.
Low Cost
We turn plastic waste into valuable recycled raw materials. In just one day, we make 15.3 tons of pure oil (petroleum substitute), 0.85 tons of fuel gas, and 0.85 tons of carbon residue for a total value of 8,000 EUR.
Research & Development
The TDU2000® thermochemical recycling unit has been developed by Enress, a Czech technology startup, with the contributions from top Czech technical universities. As a strategic partner of Enress, Green Future has an exclusive right to build and operate TDU2000® units all over the world.
Unrivalled Technology
What makes our technology special
It’s Safe
Safety has been our primary concern since the R&D stage. The machine is hermetically sealed, which prevents unwanted chemical leaks into the surroundings. A sensitive diagnostic network includes sensors and instant shut-down valves, able to stop the process at the slightest indication of abnormality. The primary thermochemical reaction does not involve any risks as far as chemical leaks.
It's Emission-Free
The system has been designed with environmental concerns in mind. It is entirely odorless, as well as pollution- and emission-free. All the reactions take place in an anaerobic environment (no exposure to air) to prevent unwanted leaks.
It's Nearly Noiseless
The TDU2000® unit is as loud as an average conversation. The machine does not contain any noisy mechanical parts. The units are set up in shipping containers, which prevents transmission of vibrations.
We turn waste into valuable resources
Plastic waste is ground into 35mm granulate. The granulate is then poured into an input bin in the primary circuit and heated to 380–460°C (710–860°F).
This phase yields the first valuable resource. Inert carbon residue must first be cleaned of secondary solid components. After treatment, it may be used in agriculture as an inert component to capture humidity in soil. Did you know that just 1 gram of carbon is capable of absorbing 10 grams of water?
Solid Carbon Residue
n the primary circuit, gas and oil are separated. Gas is then repeatedly treated, pressed to 200 bar, and divided into heating gas and hydrogen. Both types of gas are bottled and stored in gas cylinders.
and Gas Separation
Oil is then moved to the secondary circuit. What exactly happens here is our trade secret. In the secondary reactor, pure oil and heavy oil are separated. Heavy oil fractions move back to the primary circuit to undergo further separation. Pure oil, a green petroleum substitute, can be reused to make new plastics in a refinery polymer unit.
ure Oil – a Sustainable
Petroleum Alternative
Our technology is CE certified.
Research in progress.
ISCC Plus certification for the entire plant – in progress.
Environmental Product Declaration for the products – in progress.